Cosmetic Injections with Dr. Aaron Stanes

Anti wrinkle injections : Anti Sweat Injections : Facial Slimming Injections : Calf Slimming Injections

Wrinkles can be smoothed, perspiration can be stopped, and muscles can be slimmed using muscle relaxing injections (typically the face, calves and neck).
Muscle relaxing injections work by interfering with nerve signalling to their intended destination (generally muscles or sweat glands). There is also evidence that it may disrupt communication with oil glands.
  • Muscle relaxant is given via injections using a tiny needle. There is usually a small stinging sensation that goes away shortly after the injection.
  • It is not uncommon to see a little ‘lump’ at the injection site after the injection. This is resolved in a matter of minutes.
  • The effect of treatment will begin 3-5 days following your treatment, with the highest effect visible between days 14 and 30. After then, the effects will gradually fade over a period of 1-6 months.
  • The amount administered determines the degree of maximum effect (or how much of a result you accomplish).

The longevity of the effect (or how long your results last) is dependent on how much botulinum toxin was injected, which areas were injected, and personal biological factors (such as your metabolism) which cannot be controlled. Administering higher quantities will increase the longevity (and also the degree of maximum effect), up to a limit (where further increases will not increase longevity).

Treatments are temporary and irreversible (meaning the effect cannot be reversed).

The following are the hazards of the treatment:

  • Bruising;
  • Local swelling;
  • Temporary headache;
  • Variable degree of maximum effect;
  • Variable longevity;
  • Asymmetry;
  • Over or under treatment;
  • Drooping of the eyebrow or eyelid (specific to treatments of the forehead and eye area);
  • Smile/mouth weakness (specific to treatments of the mouth area and facial/jawline slimming).

In general, the risks are minor and resolve on their own.

The outcomes you obtain may alter over time. Your metabolism and facial tissues undergo a lot of changes as you age (skin, muscle, fat, bone, collagen). This means that as you age, you may not reach the same level of success or longevity.
Certain formulations (brands) may cause antibody development, resulting in immunity. This will result in the affected person receiving no results from future treatment. If this happens, current recommendations are to forgo  treatments for 12 months, and thereafter to only use formulations that have not been demonstrated to create immunity/anti-wrinkle resistance through anti-body production.

Do you want to find out if anti-wrinkle injections are good for you? Find out more about anti wrinkle injections here.

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